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Default 12-17-2001, 02:03 AM

Its kinnda hard to camp in this level. There really is no place to hide because there are many ways to get into a place or throw a grenade into a window. And i thought if u camp near a spawing place no one will be spawned there. i dont know really. and Trix what i meant by crappy is that the graphics will look bad if i put everything down. And i hate the people that use the shotgun.

"Does it really smell like cookies. Ohhhhh, she farted and it went down my throat." Guy from Family Guy

There may be what tortures you.
There may be what reduces you to silence.
There may be what fails to satisfy you.
There may be what irritates you.
There may be what grieves you.
But man has to train himself by enduring these things.
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