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Wiseblood is Offline
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Default 12-31-2002, 03:48 AM

It's sort of confusing, the last part of the instructions, it doesn't really work.
If you want to say "Get out of my way" you would type in the console:
bind kp-end "say *58"
Then when you press the number 1 on the keypad, you will say it. Get it? If you want only your team to hear it, you would type in "teamsay *58" instead of just "say *58"
I also found a list of the keys that are not as common, and and what you would type in the console to get them to work properly:
Tab bind tab <command>
Enter bind enter <command>
space bind space <command>
single quote ' bind ' <command>
hyphen - bind - <command>
forward slash / bind / <command>
zero 0 bind 0 <command>
one 1 bind 1 <command>
two 2 bind 2 <command>
three 3 bind 3 <command>
four 4 bind 4 <command>
five 5 bind 5 <command> six 6 bind 6 <command>
seven 7 bind 7 <command>
eight 8 bind 8 <command>
nine 9 bind 9 <command>
semicolon ; bind semicolon <command>
equals = bind = <command>
left bracket [ bind [ <command>
backslash \ bind \ <command>
right bracket ] bind ] <command>
comma , bind , <command>
period . bind . <command>

alt Alt bind alt <command>
ctrl Ctrl bind ctrl <command>
shift Shift bind shift <command>

Escape Esc bind esc <command>
function 1 F1 bind f1 <command>
function 2 F2 bind f2 <command>
function 3 F3 bind f3 <command>
function 4 F4 bind f4 <command>
function 5 F5 bind f5 <command>
function 6 F6 bind f6 <command>
function 7 F7 bind f7 <command>
function 8 F8 bind f8 <command>
function 9 F9 bind f9 <command>
function 10 F10 bind f10 <command>
function 11 F11 bind f11 <command>
function 12 F12 bind f12 <command>

Insert or Ins bind ins <command>
Home bind home <command>
Page Up or PgUp bind pgup <command>
Delete or Del bind del <command>
Page Down or PgDn bind pgdn <command>
up arrow bind uparrow <command>
down arrow bind downarrow <command>
left arrow bind leftarrow <command>
right arrow bind rightarrow <command>

Keypad Keys
insert or 0 Ins bind kp_ins <command>
end or 1 End bind kp_end <command>
down arrow or 2 bind kp_downarrow <command>
page down or 3 bind kp_pgdn <command>
left arrow or 4 bind kp_leftarrow <command>
five 5 bind kp_5 <command>
right arrow or 6 bind kp_rightarrow <command>
home or 7 bind kp_home <command>
up arrow or 8 bind kp_uparrow <command>
page up or 9 bind kp_pgup <command>
delete or period bind kp_del <command>
enter bind kp_enter <command>
plus + bind kp_plus <command>
minus - bind kp_minus <command>
asterisk * bind * <command>
slash / bind kp_slash <command>
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