12-31-2002, 03:12 PM
I saw and it was alright. I'd give it maybe a 6 outta 10.
I really didn't understand many of the charecters or the story, but the battle scenes weren't what I expected. MY freinds are obbssed with it and were all like "Yea dude the battle scene is aweseom..." But it was weak. After the movie me and this chick, a freinds freind, got in a heated argument. She was all like Legoas (or whoever the guy with blond chick hair and a bow) is awesome blah blah blah. I tole her the greatest person ever is Speirs from BoB cause all the shit he did was real! Also, I mean the Ivansgod tower place with the long beared wizard is like all mighty, but it gets beatin by trees....yikes....