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J()ke|Z is Offline
Posts: 37
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Heaven ....HAH BET YA DIDNT GUESS THAT!
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Default 01-02-2003, 05:45 AM

I couldnt agree more, if someone wants to rent there own server or host a game they can cheat or do whatever they want there because people will just simply stop coming there and thell be left alone shooting smiley faces into walls. But like u said when they take it that next step and start ruining the game that other people pay 100 and sometimes hundreds of dollars per month to enjoy just so they can run around and make themself feel good by posting it in a "hall of the owned" and in that try to make some vain attempt to make themselves feel superior and in tg's case "God-like". Its really pathetic and not only that its illegal.
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