01-02-2003, 01:31 PM
Very well said 'Boo. I thought at first I would have to disagree with you on the "just a game" part. Thanks for prooving me wrong.
For 99% of you guys it is just a game. Something to be turned on and off will. For some of us though it is more than that. We put up money so others wont have to and we do it because we can and for the love of the game.
I dont host or contribute to a game server. My passion is the TeamSpeak server free for all to use. Damn near all of my TS regulars (even guys in the 10-13 yr old range) have offered to contribute to its expense but I would rather they contribute to server Admins like ChickenBoo.
The point is we get our "kicks" from helping others to enjoy the game. Period.
Powell, and others like him, get their kicks from inflated scores. I get "owned" quite frequently, usually by guys on my TS server but I dont care. For me its about just playing the game. Ive been doing this long enough to recognise actuall *skill* and I respect that. What pisses me off is cheat0rs who are of the mindset "haha! I just owned your ass!" not by actually being good but by using cheats. It shows a weak, pathetic mindset I absoultely abhorr.
I'll shut up with this:
I appologise for my earlier derogatory rant against Powell. It was immature. I have been warned that subsequent outbursts like that wont be tolerated here and I agree. If I used that kind of language on my own TeamSpeak server I would expect an SA to perma-ban my IP.