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Default 01-04-2003, 12:20 AM

With reading what you said Boo, I do have something to say in turn. I know I am the most hated person in the history of Medal of Honor, and I know that I am not welcome on alot of the servers running right now. And I can understand why this has become so.

Regards to the cheating, it was fun at first, but its really getting me nowhere and its taking its toll by making me feel bad. Making skins and other odd-ends for people, and then have those persons go out and cheat people out of there fun, really makes me feel crappy inside.

Regards to guilt, let me discuss what happened with AAN, since I have been mute about this since the incidents that took place. Yes I did restart the maps, but no, it was not hacking whatsoever. In fact, it is a simple command that I could easily make a fix for, and thats the sad part about it.

I really am sorry that i caused misfortune on your server, and I am sorry for the money wasted from what I did on there. In fact I am just now setting up a PayPal account for myself, and if I could, I would like to pay for any money that I caused you to lose. Now I know this means nothing in the long-run because of the reputation that i have now, but just so you know, I do mean this.

Jasper I never meant to disrupt your TS sessions and I can understand your being very upset. And I would like to apologize to you as well. I think both you and Boo are excellent guys and players, and I hope we can put all of this in the past and hopefully have some better times ahead.

Once again, I am sorry for all the events prior to now, and Boo if need be, I will dish some cash out for your losses. Later guys.
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