01-04-2003, 12:45 AM
Hell yeah bro. I also help pay for a server so people can come in and play for free. 1 thing you forgot to point out though, the fact that it is after all me that is paying for it. So shouldnt I be able to kick someone for teamkilling or other infratcions without catching mad shit for it? You would think so right? but nooooooooo. Well said in any case, Teamgod and all their unmentioned chronies (1 of which used to get freindly hospitality when he came to my server, but I think you all know who I'm talking about anyways *coughMPcough*), they just love to crash our server for some reason. Well weve put forth actions to prevent such endeavors against us from succeeding anymore. Oh yeah, next time 1 of them says something about owning any of you, just reply with this , "Well I own this server, and it's worth more than you ever will be worth." then kick their ass and ban them. they may change their ip and come back later, but at least they got the point, that they are so pathetic that they can't do ANYTHING in life without cheating; and that you are better than them in all ways.
Rant over, lol.