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Default 12-19-2001, 04:23 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tyler Durden:
And about the blood thing. I was reading someplace, I think it was on 2015's site. But when they set out to make MOH, they wanted to make sure being shot was life like. They said something about, the soldiers had so much clothes on, that when they would get shot in the chest, blood WOULDN'T come shooting out all over the place. Insted, smoke or dust or what ever would, or something like that. So I think how they have it now is good, they just need to make it so when you get shot, you can see alittle bit of blood on the guys chest, or where ever he was shot. And some on the floor. Other than that, I think its really life like when you shoot someone in the chest and see air, or dust, or smoke what ever come out both ways (in MOH that is)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> That's complete bullcrap. If you ever read real first hand accounts of battles at close range such as Stalingrad, the soldiers said that when the bullet entered the soldier fom the front, chunks of the human body flew out the other side. The bullets basically flew through the body and they captured pieces of flesh. No blood? I think not! One of the soldiers said that he threw up after shooting some German and seeing the exact same thing that I speak of. He was a Soviet soldier in Stalingrad.


If you're so good at being a lesbian, then why do you turn me on? -Steve Carell(The Daily Show)

[This message has been edited by Recycled Spooge (edited December 19, 2001).]
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