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Default 12-19-2001, 07:40 AM

well...have any of you guys actually shot a 12 ga. shotgun?I have A LOT and there are different Loads which have different #'s of pellets,and different patterns for each of these...who is to say?I think that using the shotgun is great...I have been blasted a lot of times with it myself...The only thing I can gripe about is this 5 shells???What ype of shotgun only carries 5 shells?.in the 1930's-1950's the most widely manufactured shotgun was the Winchester model 97 and the us army used this gun sparcely,but it did carry 8 shells not 5...I know...I know...maybe this is not that particular type of shotgun,but it WAS used by the military and it WAS used in why not add the extra 3 guys Bitch and moan about realism,well here it is slapping you in the face!!!!!!

Praise the Medics...and pass the ammunition
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