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Default 12-20-2001, 11:31 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tyler Durden:
spoo ! They didn't have anything like an AK-47 back then. If they did, then they would have used it. Being shot in the chest with a m1garand will throw you back, it might even go through you. But I still say being shot with a shot gun, will not throw flesh, and chunks of body out your damn back ! THats so stupid, omg. And im sure your right, it can happen, but how good do you think it would look on the Quake3 engine ? Not very good, it has a hard time dealing with things like that. It was only made for people being shot and blowing up. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I wasn't talking about the shotgun. The shotgun is the stupidest idea in this entire game. I don't care about the shotgun. The shotgun can fuck itself for all I care. I was talking about the normal weapons. Second, I know there was no AK47, DUUUUHHHHHHH!!!!! I was just using it as an example; but still, even though we didn't have the AK47, we had the Sturm Gewehr 44 which was very similar to the AK47.


If you're so good at being a lesbian, then why do you turn me on? -Steve Carell(The Daily Show)
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