12-21-2001, 01:22 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stylin Trix:
yah know what i absoluty luv to do TK(team kill for those of u who dont play cs) k what i would do is play cs get a record like 20 and 5 then i would tk and the peeps playin couldnt say shit about me suckin, k to let anyone who thinks tkers are shitty players, mabye sum are but im not sick of dyin from the other team, its the other way around Im sick of killin the other team and wantin to cause mayhem in my own team, i shoot my team mates down to like 10 health then they kuill me and get kicked or die the next round or they go out in battlee and are dead no matter what ahaha i miss that i havent played cs for like 2 weeks,peace<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You must have a sad life...