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Default VIC - 01-05-2003, 02:18 PM

vic is a flash in the pan. he reads his own hipe too much. rude said if he stay healthy. theres the rub.HE WONT.right now hes got a seperated shoulder and a sprained thumb. its only goina get worse. before he can become a great quarterback.WHICH HE COULD.he will be too beat up to recover. unless he gets smart and stops tryin to run the ball so much and protect himself more.he wont be around long.if he lasts all the next year ill be surprised.some day soon hes goina take a hit that puts im on the side lines for a long time. defensive backs dont appreciate a quarter back runnin on them constintly. makes them look bad. he will get his killin done on one of those i aint goin down runs he makes.MAKE A NOTE. IT WILL HAPPEN.
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