Thread: children
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mike_Hunt is Offline
Posts: 38
Join Date: Jan 2003
Default 01-05-2003, 06:35 PM

[quote:5e287]Yeah that one was good, but I bet you'd like one about someones aunt whos a hooker, huh, Founding_Law.

there is a thing called real life. not every bodys family is the BRADY BUNCH.

grow up you little puke. wait this is your pathetic excuse for living. your little witty comments. that you would not say to my face. you coward.

you feel so bad about your self that you start a flame war. do you feel better? no you just jump on a band wagon. lets flame law because some other idiots do, and its so cool, and you need to be call and wanted. you all are so damn tough over net.

if you guys put the effort of flaming people in to getting laid you might get some pussy. but since you cant you flame . what losers. hahahah
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