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Re: Anyone know of hackers in MOHAA?
Captain_McCusker is Offline
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Default Re: Anyone know of hackers in MOHAA? - 01-05-2003, 11:14 PM

Originally Posted by ESW87
Anybody know of hackers who make you do things, like make you see nothing but blue or another color, make you not shoot, stuff like that.
If have info or know of any hackers, reply here or email 31st at This will make our gaming much better.
Isn't there a rule about talking about this crap? I mean, yes, no one's openly saying how this crap is done or anything, but yet we let these idiots ask about it and then the REAL a-holes come out and PM him how to do all the crap he wants to do. Afterall, didn't we go through this not long ago with some a-hole that just wanted to piss everyone off while he was getting his walkhacks?
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