Simply Show Restraint -
01-06-2003, 01:03 PM
I am going to post this out here rather than post in some kids thread that is desperately seeking attention.
In the last few months there has been an increasing amount of useless posts, flames and people creating new ID's just to post something to watch others reaction. And reaction is just what it gets, which of course thrills the original poster.
I know many on here are either kids, craving what they did not get from their parents, or adults who simply can not control their emotions, if your one of these, don't bother reading on as it will hold no value.
However for the rest,
It is usually quite obvious when someone is posting just to get you to react. It usually is someone who has less than 10 posts (because it is someone posing as a noob) asking about hacks or where to get them, or advocating cheats etc. Or it is a personal attack against someone or a group of peope Yadda Yadda Yadda.. you know what I'm talking about.
However it may also be someone who does not feel they need to pose as someone else, they have 1000+ posts under their own name and feel they have earned the right to say whatever thoughts they may have, regardless of the consequences.
My suggestion when you see these posts, is .... do nothing. Show restraint. Show maturity. Do not be sucked into their little world, enabling them to feel more important than they really are.
How many times have we seen someone post something only to get a rise out of people, only to see 4 pages of flames and arguing and bickering to follow. That is a win in the mind of the original poster. You fell for it hook line and sinker. However if their post goes unanswered (not even to say your not going to respond) the thread soon dies. They are denied the satisfaction they so desperately crave. Some of the most respected people on this forum are the most manipulated. Take a step back and ask if your one of these people.
I know and understand the craving to want to lash out or tell someone what a &$# they are, but my suggestion is to resist putting it on the forum, resist it completely. The more strongly you feel the need to flame them, the more important it is that you do nothing. It cheapens the forum as a whole and only fuels the fire of those wanting to create blaze.
I know the argument will be said that because of the children and uncontrollable adults the thread will still stay alive anyway so why not get your two cents in. However I say, it is better for these threads to have as few posts as possible in them, which means you still show restraint. Do not fall into the trap of "oh well, others are going to respond anyway so I might as well" or " I will just tell him this quick slam then that's it".. The best slam.. is no response at all. There is no better slam then the realization that no one cares about your silly post other than maybe another childish person.
I also realize that if you do not respond, you may think no one will ever know just how witty or knowledgeable you may be on a certain subject. Believe me, there will be enough responsible posts for you to demonstrate your talents than responding to a dork.
That's about it, I have fallen into the same traps myself so this is just as much for me as anyone. I hope more will heed the advice though and we can get our forums back instead of turning it over to juvenals or those with juvenal behaviors.
Have a good day everyone.