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Default 01-07-2003, 12:18 AM

[quote="Captain Noctis Aeternus":d8cf0]Let's clear up a few things.

First of all, this thread is not about the petition, it is about the legal process which has been initiated against TeamGOD for Denial of Service attacks. Thanks to the FCC, we have some very specific information. And, you bloody idiots from TeamGOD that talk about proxying your IP, you need to learn something about the way cyber investigations go, because you are obviously ignorant fucknuts. Thank you MAC addresses and direct connections.

And to further explain the proxying of IPs. Yes, it works on websites because of dispersal. However, because proxying your IP works via disperal, it is the precise reason it won't work with MoH, or any other game with which you establish a direct connection, because MoH and any other game forces you to connect with only one IP, and it resolves to the IP coming from your computer.

Secondly, and what this thread is about, legal action can and will work, because this is a denial of service attack, which is illegal in nearly every civilized nation in the world. Asshat.

Thirdly, I have not even once seen a TeamGOD member in a server personally. Never played against one, ever. So this is not crying about being beaten in a video game, as you idiots always like to try and default. This is about you people denying people a service for which they pay. Only this time, you immature fuckers are going to pay.

Think you're safe behind your proxies? Owned.
Think you're safe behind your disclaimer? Owned.
Think you're safe because you're a minor? Owned.
Think you're going to get away with it? Owned.
Still think you own anyone? Nope. Owned.

Guess what TeamGOD. Noctis owns you.[/quote:d8cf0]

*sniff* that was beautiful man, give em hell!
It's like with more gay jokes.
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