01-07-2003, 01:26 AM
How do you know when you've owned TeamGOD?
They take the time to print pictures of your family, pee on them, and post the movie on the internet.
- 6 business days left (I miscounted earlier) for the web host to act.
- TeamGOD admin delete all links to this thread
- TeamGOD ban anyone referencing this thread
- TeamGOD elected to be childish, rather than even let me offer a way out
- TeamGOD has banned me from their AOL buddy list
- TeamGOD conveniently provided me with their locations, thanks to a sweet AIM tool that punches through proxies like TeamGOD's future cellmates will do to them.
- TeamGOD has resorted to pissing on my family's pictures.
Are they afraid? Yes.
Is it too late? Yes.
Who owns TeamGOD? Noctis.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008