Best Clan...&Vwolf's Response -
01-07-2003, 04:10 AM
UK wise - I like the Summer of 69 guys. Don't know what they are like in leagues etc but they have a great server & there is always a good match going on on their server. I think there is another clan in Europe ECRiders whenever i've played them I 've got my ass kicked - some great rifle players.
Also, I don't think this post is useless I know there are a lot of things to think about but is it really necessary to come back with remarks like "if you think so, post it in the correct forum. Shit." from VWolf.
Every remark I have read from him has been unconstructive. He has been a member since December 05 & since then I have read a lot of crap (he's posting almost 40 a day).
My advice no1thatUknow - carry on your posts they make sense to me - it is just a bit of fum afterall. Vwolf please get another life & that is far too many posts for a young guys - you should be out more.