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Default 01-07-2003, 09:08 AM

[quote:74680]Ok, I think the 'fun' has gone on long enough in this thread.

I'd hate to ruin everyone's enjoyment here but I feel the need to point out some things.

A lot of you are being mis-informed, and likely by someone no more mature than teamgod themselves.

Noctis does not understand what even HE is talking about, let alone the rules that govern behaviour on the internet or 'cyberspace'.

The cyber crimes division of the American judicial system is a bare bones staff dedicated to cases which, most often, involve monetary loses in the tens of thousands. Not a hundred dollars, or 2 minutes of lost time on a gaming server.

The local police would brush off the work of teamgod as a deviant act, talking perhaps to their parents, if any action were taken at all.

Jail time? Are you that immature to believe jails are filled so easily?

Recently a man who ran the Drink or Die software distribution group was sentenced to only THREE YEARS for distrubuting BILLIONS of dollars worth of software online. Do you still think they would recieve jail time?

As for their webhost. I see no proof that they've taken any server down. Please, show some proof that would hold up in the court of law (which this would never make it to, as it holds no water nor does it involve large monetary losses).

Server Logs? Easily fabricated.

IPs? Easily fabricated.

Emailing their host? Weak scare tactic. Which I doubt was much more than a lengthy, overly verbose email stating you lost 'Large amounts of enjoyment due to these miscrients!'

The fact that you repeatedly state you 'Own' or 'O\/\/N' them is in stark contrast to your attitude toward them. You almost sound as if you're in the same league as them.

False claims and ego boosting posts.

Are you sure you're not in teamgod, Noctis?[/quote:74680]

.....tryin to convince us or yourself? eek:
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