01-07-2003, 09:31 AM
Technoligy: In this day and age, digital media and electronics are on an uprise. Instead of using notepads or pens, people can electronically jot down information in this device and have it stored automatically, along with other items like a calender, games, memos, and even email/internet service.
Society: It's starting to become more rare to come across someone in a large city who does not own (not pwn) a cell phone/beeper. As much as this has become a regular "house-hold" item, the same goes for a digital organizer, a Palm Pilot. It has become a crucial part of a persons workstyle to have this electronic device on them wherever they go.
Enviroment: Where a Palm Pilot is used commonly, other portable devices such as cell phones, Global Positioning Systems (GPS), wireless internet, and even laptop computers are to follow. People have revolutionized themselves out of the past to become this civilization that depends on eletronics to hold their needs for them. The more we depend on the machine, the less thinking is required from us.