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Default 01-07-2003, 10:15 AM

More idiots to explain away, this thread is becoming a liability. Let's see here:

First, the FCC as well as the FBI have both already said that members of TeamGOD would be prosecuted if I pressed charges. Helps to have connections.

Second, fabrication. The FCC has been pulling logs directly. Asshat.

Third, even if for some reason the criminal charges don't succeed, I could more than easily win a civil suit on about five different charges with more than relative ease.

Fourth, and I can't believe I have to repeat this again, crashing servers is a denial of service attack. Last year a local 16 year old was put in jail (by the FBI) until he is 21 for crashing an informational website (non-governmental, generated no income) four times.

Fifth, about the "own" statements. They are solely for the purpose of mocking TeamGOD's constant claiming that they "own" someone. If you weren't an ill-informed, ignorant asshole, you'd be able to see this.

Sixth, if you don't like what I'm doing, fuck you. Because frankly, I don't give a rat's ass. All the flaming and all the bitching and all the whining and all the name-calling in the world won't stop me from carrying through with this, and I could give two shits whether you think it can happen or not. You might want to talk to TeamGOD about it though, they are already scared. That's why they delete all references to this thread on their site.

Seventh, it's time someone stood up to people who do things like this. For far too long people have had to watch their hard work and hard earned money be wasted by a bunch of 15 year olds who were abused by mommy and daddy and feel the need to lash out at the world.

So, say whatever you want to say. Make your ignorant, ill-informed, flaming posts. They don't change the facts. They don't change the support. And they won't keep TeamGOD's collective dumbass out of jail.

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008
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