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Default 01-07-2003, 10:15 AM

pAt|2i0T: Intelligent reply, I can see you're a valuable asset to the community.

Simo Häyhä: No.

[quote="=FM=1st Lt prey":02f8d]
Your obviously complete Assholes if your trying to flame him for at least trying to bring teamGod down, people like you should STFU lamers [/quote:02f8d]

Bringing teamgod down? It seems more like this is one long vanity thread for himself. The most common word in his posts is 'Owned', usually followed up with 'by Noctis'.

Has he actually done anything? Where is this email he sent to the web host?

This is nothing more than a post by some delusional self-proclaimed vigilante on a non-existent mission against a few kids having some fun at your expense.

Now run along kids, and stop giving Noctis the attention which should be directed toward the people who stop teamgod from crashing servers using actions and ability, instead of lengthy drawn out posts which are nothing more than foul words.
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