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quiet is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 12-20-2001, 09:05 AM

I hope 2015 will be able to modify and add a realism option, but even if not, I think you should consider the fact most of these things come about from mods - look at Quake 3 and half-life - mods dominate the games.

For instance, UrbanTerror the quake 3 mod has very detailed location damage. This would be easy for a mod maker to include in MOH:AA because the game already reports the location of shots so it is aware.

Is the game too slow? A mod can easily adjust that, in fact it's a simple server console setting.

MOH:AA already has vehicle code, this would allow mod makers to include vehicles and variations thereof quite easily.

Imagine giant tank wars with foot soldier combat.

No other Q3 engine based game can mod vehicles into MP so easily.

For gore and stuff, that too can be added for a realism mod.

Instead of saying, oh I won't buy the game - which will truly ruin its potential - I suggest purchasing the game and supporting 2015 in their effort to release an SDK.

2015 has been extremely helpful in allowing us to use the demo with different modes, adding blood, etc without ripping on us about EULA violations - in fact they even told us how to mod the demo correctly!

That's what I call major support!

See for yourself - posted by Coriolis:

"Do *NOT* directly modify the pk3 files. There is no need to do this, and it makes it nearly impossible to merge the work of different groups. Modifying MoH follows the same rules as modifying Quake 3. There is nothing magical about the name "pak#.pk3", except that it is reserved for official content. Just like Q3, we look inside ALL pk3 files in alphabetical order. Also like Q3, pk3 files are merely compressed zip files that have been renamed.

So, if you want to modify an existing resource, you should make your own zip file with your modified files and mirroring the directory structure of the files you are replacing. Do not include any unmodified content. Make sure that your filename comes alphabetically after pak#.pk3. The pak#.pk3 filenames are reserved for official content; user content should be named something like "usermod.pk3".

If these simple rules are not followed, modifications will quickly become a confusing nightmare of incompatibility and malfunctions.

And of course, neither EA nor 2015 can be responsible for any problems caused by downloading or using modified game content."

Source --

If they keep up this trend, I think we'll be seeing a lot of support for mod makers.

To my understanding, 2015 will be releasing an SDK soon after the release of the full version.

I ask you as a fellow MOH:AA fan to purchase the game and support 2015 as well as your fellow mappers and mod makers.

This game will go very far, but it requires that you buy the game and show EA that 2015 is a dev team worth supporting.

No, I'm not kissing A$$, this is just a logical way to make the game happen and get what *you* want from it.


[This message has been edited by quiet (edited December 20, 2001).]
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