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quiet is Offline
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Posts: 454
Join Date: Jan 2002
Default 12-21-2001, 12:48 AM

Why are there so many people down on MOH:AA yet the same time you see a bunch of them playing it via the ?

I see this game as superior to others, the death animations, the feel of the weapons, the slower yet strategic gameplay, the voice system is far better than even Tribes in my opinion because enemy voices can be heard from their positions. The various models and the fact each team has an advantage and disavantage in weaponary. There is actual location damage.

The graphics seem to be on par with other games including "RTCW" .. in fact the lens flare effect, the volumetric smoke, and shadows are superior to it. The only thing I can imagine is that people think darker games are better graphically, but that's simply an illusion - try turning up the gamma in Wolf.

So why are there people who are so hostile toward this game?

Why do they feel a need to get on servers and forums to attack this game/demo?

Any thoughts on this?

I'm just confused because I find this game the best I've ever played so far.

What am I missing?


[This message has been edited by quiet (edited December 21, 2001).]
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