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[HARDCO.]Bravo1[GEN] is Offline
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Posts: 6
Join Date: Jan 2003
Default 01-07-2003, 11:11 PM

can you put the command in m8 please

i have tryed
joining by gamespy but befor it connects click back your back yop menu screen in spearhead bring consol in type
password **** [press enter]
reconnect [press enter]

and this takes up a public sold if there r still some avalible if not then it will take a private 1 what am i doin wrong

here is the .cfg
// Sample Team-Based server config file.

// Server Name
// Name that will appear on the server browser
sv_hostname "[Tryouts]"

// Game Type
// 1 Free for All
// 2 Team Based
// 3 Round Based
// 4 Objective
// 5 Tug Of War
set g_gametype 2
set rconpassword [hc]

// Health Drop
// When enabled players will drop a health pack when killed
set g_healthdrop 1

// Realism
// Toggles reaslistic mode
set g_realismmode 0

// Fast Run Speed
// When checked, the speed at which players can run through levels is increased.
// Leaving it unchecked defaults to Medal of Honor Allied Assault's original run speed
set sv_dmspeedmult 1.100000

// Team Damage
// Toggles friendly fire
set g_teamdamage 0

// Heal Rate
// Determines how fast players heal when they use a health pickup
set g_healrate 10

// Max Players
set sv_maxclients 16

// Time Limit
// This sets the elapsed time at which the game ends, the winner being the player with the highest score at that time.
timelimit 20

// Frag Limit
// The score at which the player or team will win the current map.
fraglimit 100

// Map Rotation Time
// This sets the maximum amount of time in minutes players will spend in a particular map.
maprotationtime 20

// Team Spawn Delay
// This sets a delay in seconds between spawns. This is useful if you would like the
// player spawned in batches, rather than one at a time
set sv_team_spawn_interval 0

// Round Reset Time
// This sets how long each round will take, in minutes. This can be smaller than the map rotation time, but not larger.
roundlimit 30

// Inactive Spectate
// This sets the time in seconds after which an inactive player becomes a spectator. To save server bandwidth, 60 seconds is default.
set g_inactivespectate 60

// Inactive Kick
// This sets the time in seconds after which an inactive player is kicked out of the game. 900 (15 minutes) seconds is default.
set g_inactivekick 900

// Use Gamespy
// To use GameSpy gaming service for internet-based multiplayer games.
// If this is 0, players will not be able to see your server via the in-game browser nor gamespy arcade.
set sv_gamespy 1

// Pure
// Verifies that the files on the client are the same as those on the server.
set sv_pure 0

// Allow Vote
// Enables players to call a vote.
set g_allowvote 1

// Flood Protect
// Limits amount of text a player can type
set sv_floodprotect 1

// Forces players to only be able to spectate behind their own team.
set g_forceteamspectate 1

// dmflags -- flags that can be set in the dmflags variable.
// DF_NO_HEALTH (1 << 0)
// DF_NO_POWERUPS (1 << 1)
// DF_WEAPONS_STAY (1 << 2)
// DF_NO_FALLING (1 << 3)
// DF_INSTANT_ITEMS (1 << 4)
// DF_SAME_LEVEL (1 << 5)
// DF_NO_ARMOR (1 << 11)
// DF_INFINITE_AMMO (1 << 14)
// DF_NO_FOOTSTEPS (1 << 17)
// DF_ALLOW_LEAN (1 << 18)
// DF_GERMAN_SHOTGUN (1 << 20)
set dmflags 0

// Invulnerable Time
// Amount of time (in seconds) a player is invulnerable for after spawning (default=3 seconds)
set sv_invulnerabletime 3

// Team Kill Warning
// Amount of team kills before the player is warned
set g_teamkillwarn 3

// Team Kill Kick
// Amount of team kills before the player is kicked off the server.
set g_teamkillkick 5

// Team Switch Delay
// Frequency at which you can switch teams
set g_teamswitchdelay 15

// Allow Join Time
set g_allowjointime 30

// Private Clients
// Clients that require a password to join
set sv_privateclients 6

// Password
// Allows you to set a password for the server
set sv_privatepassword "****"

// Keywords
// Keywords which allow browsers to filter servers.
set sv_keywords ""

// Net Port
set net_port 12203

// Minimum Ping to allow clients to join with. 0 means anyone
set sv_minping 0

// Maximum Ping to allow clients to join with. 0 means anyone
set sv_maxping 250

// Maximum Rate
set sv_maxrate 0

// Map
// Starting map on the rotation.
map "dm/MP_Brest_DM"

// Map Rotation List
sv_maplist "dm/MP_Brest_DM dm/MP_Stadt_DM dm/MP_Verschneit_DM dm/MP_Gewitter_DM dm/MP_Holland_DM dm/MP_Bazaar_DM "

// Default to no-sprint and original Allied Assault runspeed
sv_sprinton 0
sv_runspeed 250 // spearhead runspeed is 287
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