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Default 01-08-2003, 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by intrestedviewer
Our marine recruiter at school is in intelligence and was saying how everything you are seing and reading is just for show. A scare for Saddam. If war er when war starts they will probably send in an elite special ops team to take out saddam. The big bad army is a distraction.
All due respect to your recruiter but...I think not. I'm sure a special ops team will be sent for Saddam but our large force will be used. It cost a huge amount of money to send and sustain forces into the field. Why would we load to Marine assault ships with all the weapons and ammo they would need if they are just for show? Plus the fact that we cant just go in take out Saddam and leave. We have to put in a force to keep control of the country so that it does not turn into total chaos. So I think your recruiters theory is plausible, will it be done that way? no.
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