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Default 12-21-2001, 06:53 AM

aye....I've had so far lots of fun in the demo. Some times you have more fun. especially today. both teams were even (not like in some servers where one team has like 10 players and I'm asking someone to switch and they call me a "n00b")
anyway, my fellow teammate (who was alongside me) started using the MG42 and I was with the Sprinfield. I started to pick out guys from across the map. my other teammates saw this and they provided backup to me and the player who was using the MG42. couple guys were looking out the windows on the right and the same for the left. The Axis players then seeing that they couldn't get even close to us, all of them picked up rockets and blew us all. we all laughed our ass off. The first rocket killed me and 3 other guys. damnit!!!
but, those couple minnutes that we were all playing as a team providing back-up to the MG42 guy, was sooooooo sweeeeeeeetttttt!!! guys share your experiences in the demo.
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