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Default 01-09-2003, 03:39 PM

[quote="Mr_nStuff":d92d5]Anyone that complains about MOHAA's original run spead (which is now the Spearhead default run speed BTW) is a noob..

You have no idea what makes this game popular if think the run speed is to slow.

You really need to go play Quake3 and Unreal if that's your problem.[/quote:d92d5]

Thats BS. I am so tired of people saying a game is popular solely for the reasons they like it and I hate the standard response of go play Q3 or UT if you dont like it. I loved MOH from the first time I played it, but the drag ass speed has always been a peeve. MOH would be really cool at a faster speed if the net code didnt suck so bad. It isnt the speed that sucks, its the lack of skill in the development and the jerkiness that come with it. UT and Q3 are much smoother at faster speeds than MOH is at regular speed. why? People play certain games because the game play is good, not because it is historicly accurate, or the speed of the run, its all about the gameplay. Now historically accurate can enhance your gaming experience, but only if the game is solid to begin with.

The main reason most dont like the fast speed that came with SH, is that the rifle and sniper are now almost worthless and the animation went to shit. Yet in UT2003, the rifle and snipe weapons are still very effective and the most popular mod is the rifle only mod. Its not a speed problem, its a quality issue.

To the original question - SH sucks because it is an unfinished product. It is buggy and a resource hog. Graphics are far superior in UT2003 and the game runs much smoother. The SH single player was very good but short, I feel cheated on the MP.
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