01-10-2003, 02:49 AM
most people i talk to don't get the point of the new SWs, if you think just a little bit, you'll realize these movies are just showing how the empire comes into power, and i didn't realize this until the 4th time i watched episode 1. it was harder to catch in that one, but all he did was wanted to overthrough the one aliens and become senator (right there he gained power) then 2nd one he gets his army and everyone knows now what those shitty fighting stormtroopers look like and what boba fet looks like, unless this is something everyone knew, well just my insight, and i just like the part where he gets sniped, and it's not farfetched at all, specialy the scope shot, do you know how common it is? theres guys that just shot into a glare and turned out they hit someone right through scope (vietnam) and in WW2 the whole battle between russian sniper and german sniper (forgot russian name but everyone knows the german, Konig also seen in the movie enemy at the gate) well the russian just shot into a steel plate, which was something the germans hid behind alot during ww1 and ww2 i believe, i'm a fan of snipers, i'm a good marksman myself.
Tell me why you think that scene was farfetched too.