Originally Posted by "[DAS REICH
Unknown_Sniper":846f5]Its over is it? millions died because of it. This isnt a thing you just forget. And by the way The Germans did not Split their armies to attack Russia and The Americans. First off it wasnt the Americans It was the British. It was called the battle for London or over London some thing like that. Second They left that fight with as many people as possible to attack Russia and get some Oil for the War machine. The Russians held off the Germans for nearly 2-3 years at Leningrad. The Axis were trying to starve the people into submission but the Russians still faught them. Finally the axis turned south and attacked stallingrad. This is where the germans had a hard fight. They couldnt bring the tanks into the city. If they did it would only take one destroyed tank to block the street. So the Russians Nearly crushed the Axis. Finally the Germans withdrew. Their 2 million man army was now a couple thousand. They were pushed back to Germany by the Russians And we closed in on them from the other side. now dont say we should forget this. The USA lost Several hundred thousand men in this theater of the war. The Russians lost 22 million. They were supposed to be a neutral country with Germany. And I believe the Correct term would be Obliterated. They would not be Liberated for another couple years.
I'm gonna try and decode the mess of a post you made, but what I could make out was that you think I've forgotten the war. F*** no I haven't forgotten, it's just we've had this type of discussion so many times in the past that it just loses meaning to argue about how the war was fought, again. You also seem to think that ww2 is still going on...... roight. What am I missing? How come I'm just being inundated with this information? You also said some shit about Russia, but I don't yet know what you said because your grammar is so shotty.[/quote:846f5]
well basically his trying to say is many russians died fighting the Huns.