01-10-2003, 09:25 AM
Federal Crime is defined as: - any crime that takes place over a large area, affects a large area or group of people, or is described in another law as said crime.
Any old lawbook you pick up that deals with crimes will also explain : - any crime which is passed in certain jurisdiction of any law enforcement division MUST be investigated to the point of charges pressed by said division or by those affected by the crime.
The fbi mandate reads: - any federal crime that may affect more than one local law enforcement division's jurisdiction will also be considered entered into this burea's jurisdiction.
I've taken a few criminal law and criminal justice classes over the my years in college. These are from a few of the books I needed for those classes and are taught as part of degree attainment programs for those majors.
just thought I'd pass this info along...maybe it'll quell some doubts.