01-11-2003, 04:26 PM
My Grandfather was a footslogger for the 2nd ID from 1943 thru the end of the war. He is still disturbed by images that try to recreate the beaches of DDay. (such as the beginning of Saving Private Ryan) Trying to talk to him about the war is like asking a tree questions about leaves. All he will say is he had many freinds that were killed, yet that they didn't die for nothing. He is quite set in his ways and beleives (like me) that these newer generations have grown soft and comfortable and don't have a reason to die. he says "Every Generation before the hippie generation had a reason to fight and die. Those hippies, moaning about peace, ruined a good fighting country by brainwashing it into beleiving that it should only talk, not fight. Now, these generations are being raised by those same hippies, and these generations will die for a dollar...not for a freind. I have a good bugger to go back to Ireland as this country has turned to pure shite."
My soon to be Grandfather in-law was 82nd Airborne. He was captured somwhere in Normandy on june 8th 1944 after being seperated from his group for 2 days and after he had killed 2 nazis. He escaped 2 months later and rejoined his company in time for market garden. He lasted the entire war with no wounds aside from cuts and scrapes. He is still very proud of his 82nd experience and has many souveniers from the war (including several nazi helmets, armbands, knives, etc.) He still skydives once a year (at 80 something years old) and loves movies that recreate the war. especially saving private ryan. but he wasnt on the beach.