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mohaa keeps crashing @ startup help =(
Genesis is Offline
Posts: 48
Join Date: Jan 2003
Default mohaa keeps crashing @ startup help =( - 01-12-2003, 09:50 AM

well as the topic sais my mohaa keeps crashing

i never had a problem with the game before
i did a format c
reinstalled everything and now it keeps crashing
when i start up u get that sorta console screen where u c all that text what pk3's its loading ect
after then
my mohaa starts up
and gets stuck right @ the start in a grey screen
this causes my whole pc to crash
im currently running
windows ME
my resolution of my desktop= 1024x768
but mohaa starts up with 800x600
i reinstalled the game like 5 times but it doesnt help
i downloaded the newest nvidia driver and dx9
i also tryd to put my desktop on 800x600 to check if thatwas the prob but it isnt
what it currently does it crash my whole pc when i run mohaa
i dont have any modifications pk3's or what ever added just a clean version with no mods
i also ran the configurate.exe file
but it still doesnt work
this all happend when i did a format c
can someone help me out

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