01-13-2003, 01:42 AM
Yes it appears there is a rash of people recently joining the forum and acting like they have been here forever. More than likely Noctis is correct, they are here and attempting to earn our trust. They even appear to be playing off of each other so as not to appear to be allies.
And to have a known cheat stand up and stick up for you is the kiss of death in my book.
My suggestion for you and any of your alter egos is, if you really want someone to take you seriously, you get someone who actually IS a respected member of this community to test out your patch. Someone who really HAS A HISTORY of helping the MOH community.. not hurting it. YoChoy or Black Bart or any number of people could do this for you. Since this feature exists in several tools now, hopefully one of those authors will take you up on it and look at your file and verify that A) the bypass exists and B) that this patch fixes it. I have no desire to load something up on our server that would then give someone a backdoor to do what they want.