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Making it more real?
Exorcist is Offline
Posts: 96
Join Date: Jan 2002
Location: Atlanta, Ga, USA
Default Making it more real? - 01-13-2003, 06:12 AM

I was wondering if there was a way to make maps that could have multiple objectives along a linear path. I.E., each side would have to advance into the opposition’s territory following a specific road, over a bridge, into a small town, etc. As each side advances there would be small objectives to control, maybe taking a bridge, knocking out a pillbox, capturing a building, etc. But it would have to follow a path.

I like the Objective maps but they seem to be mostly about going deep into enemy territory and destroying a cannon or something similar. The TOW maps are great fun too, but (to me anyway) they seem kinda task oriented (i.e., turning on/off runway lights), over a whole map.

From what I have seen about battles (I’m a History Channel junkie), the real ones are about the Allies advancing and taking things as they go, into the Axis' real estate (or visa versa).

Both sides’ spawn could be just behind the front line with each side having vital objectives behind their own line they would have to protect. Whichever side works the best together, would advance further into enemy territory taking real estate as they go, and ultimately win the match.

Sadly, I don't have the skills to create maps and mods. I rely on those who have these talents to create and employ these things that we all enjoy. I'm very grateful to those who take on the task of creating maps and mods. All I have is an idea, and maybe not a very practical one at that.

If these kind of maps are out there already, then could someone direct an old man to where they are being played? (Smile)

Steve . . .
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