01-13-2003, 07:04 PM
flamethrower: (Spoken in John Cleese's voice) CunnY's ashes where later used as kitty litter and then snuffed up Micheal Jackson's nose. The nose later fell off with cunny's ashes in it, and was eaten by a hobo. The hobo puked up the disgusting nose (not because it was Micheal Jackon's, but because CunnY was in it) and the partially digested nose oozed into the sewer. A radioactive rat slipped on the nose, and caromed of of a wall, and got onto the streets. It later bit a four year old boy, the boy later posted his first topic on Allied Assault, and pissed everyone off! That boy is the present day CunnY/pAiN. Thank you.....
Originally Posted by Arch