01-13-2003, 09:01 PM
It's very obvious that Powell, Genesis, $anta, and Dark Blaze are all causing controversy in the forums. I don't know how BadScript tends to deal with this, but if it were me, you would simply be banned due to the fact that you were known to use cheats. I'm sorry, but this game is bad enough as it is with all the cheats out there, I really don't like the idea of "undercover anti-cheaters" hanging out here.
If you guys are for real, good for you. But in order to really prove yourself to this community, you're going to need some background from people. Think of feedback from Ebay. And from all the prior info we have, you have about 1 good thing, your anti-cheat website, against 100's of bad things, your cheats.
I will let this discussion go on a little longer, but try to keep it humain, not barking down each others necks.