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Default 01-13-2003, 10:16 PM

Oddball, go for the build it yerself comp.

If you need everything, it's better off getting it all in one shop.

But if you can, check to see if there are any computer markets on.
If you live within the Brisbane area there's usually a comp market on every 2 weeks or so, check the local paper.

What part of QLD u from?

personally I'd go for AMD and an ASUS mobo

I've got an ASUS A7V8X, AMD XP2000 (2Ghz CPU). It works very well.

concerning Graphics cards: go upper middle shelf brand name. Can't really go wrong.... buying top brand will burn your pocket and make you think why you wasted so much money. (go Geforce 4 with 64 DDR RAM or plus)

here's a good shop in Brisbane, Mitchelton

it's run by some smart ass kid, but the prices are fairly good (but still check out those computer markets, they sell new stuff there too)

Altec Lansing are good speakers, but don't get the old ones.... go for the new ones.

Normally a built-in sound card is ok, the ASUS sound card is built-in and has 5.1 capabilities. It works very well for me.

17" monitor is just the average now, you can go bigger if you want to. I don't know which brand to recommend there, sorry.

RAM!!!!!!! you need at least 512MB RAM nowadays. DDR RAM is the way to go. ASUS mobo has 3 slots for DDR RAM.

HDD: 80Gb or more... most brands are ok, but stay clear of seagate and maxtor. (that's just me, from personal experience) go IBM, it runs hotter but is more reliable.

As for the case, get a good sized case. Something with at least 4 5.25" holes in the front. Then fill the bastard with fans so you stay cool. (Remember it's friggin summer in Aus right now so you don't wanna cook yer new PC)

Get the parts yourself dude, it's not really that hard to put together.... I've only really put 2 computers together and they both work perfectly.

so, to sum up
ASUS A7V8X (or u can pick and choose what suits you)
AMD XP2000 or better
Geforce 4 or better (at least 64Mb)
512MB DDR RAM at least
80Gb HDD (maybe IBM)
big case with lots of fans

good luck fellow Aussie bum freak:

(no edit, so if somethings wrong please correct me)
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