01-14-2003, 11:31 AM
Ok here's a few:
This one is a form text box. HEIGHT = the height of the cell it is in, ALIGN = Where in the cell it's aligned, IMPUT NAME = What the feild will come back looking like on your email message (This MUST BE ONE WORD, NO CHARACTERS EXCEPT LETTERS & NUMBERS), SIZE = Length of the box:
[code:e4ffc]<td height="22" align="center"><input name="Name" size="20"></td>
Here's a drop-down box. HEIGHT & ALIGN = Height/alignment of cell, not the box, SELECT NAME = Name in Email that will show (remember, one word), OPTION SELECTED = The Option that is shown by default:
[code:e4ffc]<td height="22" align="center"><select name="TypeOfMap">
<option selected>TDM</option>
And this is a normal text box. HEIGHT & ALIGN = height & alignment of the cell, not the text box, TEXTAREA ROWS = how many rows tall the box is, NAME = name in email message, COLS = how many characters can be displayed on a single line:
[code:e4ffc]<td height="36" align="center">
<textarea rows="2" name="MapURL" cols="20"></textarea></p>
Here's a page I made using the three.