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Default 01-14-2003, 01:00 PM

1) Ya I know what your talking about, hopefully they will fix this in the next patch. AA used to do this sometimes too.

2)hmmm, have you got the frag limit set to 0? If not then the map will play until the score limit is reached. (If I am understanding your question correctly?)

3) Autokick, will not kick people for swearing. It will kick people with bad words in there name, but not for swearing once they get it. My recommendations is pick up Bazooka Joes/RedSoccerDevils swear filter. It works for AA and I think it works for SH. Joe can help you with this.

4)Rudedog has a help guide on this site which has a list and explanation of the RCON commands. Click on Guides on the homepage.
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