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Default 01-14-2003, 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by Argon
Originally Posted by pest
I am art attack X 2.

Wiseblood is right, you dont feel any different at 30 than you do at 16. College students seem to be younger now than when I was in school, though.
I don't know about that pest, I would have to disagree with this statement. I feel alot different than I did at 16. The twenties kicked my ass, physically, mentally, and spiritually. I am not the same person I used to be, for better or worse.
Hmmm.....well, maybe, but it sounds good anyway. I do know that everytime I moved on, I was ready for it ==>high school==>college==>real world (aka job thats not bartending)===>marriage===>parenthood. They were all good moves, but I wouldnt reccomend any of them if you arent ready. Ack..nm...this is starting to sound like a lecture.
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