01-16-2003, 01:37 AM
Affirmitave action does work when used properly. It helps poor people get places that are exclusive to white with money. I know I'm wasting my time in this forum. But Bush is only looking out for his friends. He has enough problems with that uppity Powel and Rice on his staff he can hardly stomach the idea of more minorties doing as well as his white friends. I mean, whose going to do those jobs that nobody wants, or go die for our country while Bush's white friends kids are in college. Bush is no dummy(he is a complete idiot though), he knows whose money bought him the whitehouse, so he doesn't want ot piss of the Country Club crowd.
And how can someone believe in the death sentence and be a anti-abortionist, it does not make sense. Oh thats right were talking about money again aren't we.