01-16-2003, 11:45 AM
You dont strafe? heheh
I do the same thing. I spec people who im sure are using things like chameleon skins. I love it when they turn to face the person im speccing behind through a wall and I can see the whole thing. Every cheat makes itself obvious in some way. All you gotta do is pay attention to the signs. Be suspicious. Trust no one. Autokick and CI and Delator 2 will catch most of the cheaters cause most people are too lazy to change file names. Force a screenshot if you dont like what someone is doing. If they dont email ya in 5 minutes boot their ass. Anyone can take a picture of themselves...
open console
close console hit tab
open console hit f12 and take a screenshot
takes a pic of all the pk3 files you have loaded up
If you dont allow mods or extra maps any file people have is potentially a "cheat"
Of course by this time when you ask the mASSES to do something like email you a screenie they have polished up on their swearing and f@g talk and are will to negotiate thru Dice clay talk.
Biggest sign for me? I wanna see a cheater who is actually good. I wanna see 80-3 on destroyed village. I wanna see 60-0 on stalingrad. All the people I ever catch who are cheating using chameleon or other skins always have crappy scores. Its almost like they cheat because they dont have the actual skills to compete.
People who cant play without cheats are the real noobs.