01-16-2003, 12:04 PM
The rl Vassili Zaitsev used a Nagant.
Theres just as many nooby assinine admins as there are cool experienced admins. Just gotta hunt down the good ones. Most of the people willing to post their ip and forums on a site like this are the good admins.
If the guy is gonna kick you for owning him with a POS rifle, LOL. I know exactly what you are saying. I have been kicked for "cheating" when all I did was run around and bash people with the Enfield. The gun is heavy. It does a lot of damage in a bash.
Bash HAcker!
LOL! ALl i did was bash them with a POS rifle. on 2nd thought go ahead, kick me. Do me a favor. I dont wanna be playing on their server anyway.