01-16-2003, 01:14 PM
I never lean strafe, because I'm afraid I'd grow a big moustache, wear leather or dress like a Navy guy, and start talking to other people on the server about Oily pecs and the like
Lean strafing is gay. Full stop. It looks pantz
Excellent work by the Video guy, I had no idea there were such obvious cheats around. Played on a German server the other night, and it was obvious they were using wallhacks, as well as Spawn camping etc.
"Oh Sgt. York, you must play on the other side" I then proceeded to get murdered, in some of the most unlikely positions (The Hunt) . What really got on my titz, was the way a guy would come running round a corner, and engage me first time, and accurately with a sniper rifle, or a souped up STG. I know I'm not brilliant, but I hold my own.
Cheating is rampant on some of the continental servers,as well as some crap rules. "You are not allowed to use Sniper Rifles on Omaha as Allied, but Axis can use them in defence" These win at all costs w*nkers, really grip me M16: . But when you find a good server, stick with it, it's really enjoyable.
Mohaa would be better, if they 1. Bought out the definitive anti-cheat patch
2. Gave us the sodding SDK. I'm trying to build a map around Dieppe 1942 at the moment, and it's hard work!
Best regards
Sgt York