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Lean Strafing - Immunity ?????
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Default Lean Strafing - Immunity ????? - 01-16-2003, 04:43 PM

I know Lean-Strafe in MoH:AA increased peoples chance of not being hit, but i am confused, whenever some bastard comes running, leaning one way and strafing, it seems like he's virtually invincible, except from grenades.

I've rifled the hell out of people while they lean+strafe and they haven't taken a hint of damage... it's defying the physics of the game, i mean this one guy, was focused on leaning left, and was strafing back and fourth, I was maybe 20 yards away, and I shot him square in the chest with a mauser (I was not moving + in crouch position so my accuracy was tops). He never took any damage at all.

Leanstrafers = assholes, another reason I don't play AA, and a reason I only play spearhead, leanstrafing is retarded.
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