Thread: shotguns
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doomsday2002 is Offline
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Default 01-16-2003, 05:54 PM

Hmmm shotguns.......well they certainly aint my favorite weapon and yea i do think there cheap to some extent ,however i will use 1 if the situation calls for it depending on the oposition/what there using and what map.
See a program on them the other day about shotties....not accurate but do SUBSTANTIAL damage upto a range of 50 yards ,that answers (a bit) why he could shoot u the length of stalingrad hallway.
As for 1 of the other comments omg now smg is not a fair weapon? is any? only rifles? would you be happy if you could only use handguns?what a glum game that would be.
Meself im a smg "whore" but i will use shottie/smg/rifle and snipe if and when needed.
Just love it when iv'e shot some1 with shotgun then to be called nOOb,only then to change to smg and kill em again,then rifle.......then......u get the picture.
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