01-17-2003, 01:39 AM
It';s a joke about sexual absue in the church....I can't believe people don't get it I'll tell one about WWII people will be bound to get this one.
There was this guy who lived in Philadelphia in 1942. He had always been raised by his mother and was a bit unedcucated in certain areas of life. After Pearl Harbour he decided to join the Navy. His mother asked him to write regularly. So off he went to join the NAvy.
After a few months she received the first letter from him. It read
Dear Mummy,
I can't tell you my location because of the censor, but I can tell you that last week I got off the boat and shot a polar bear.
Lots of love.
The second letter she receievd read.
Dear Mummy,
Having a wonderful time. I can't tell you where I am but the other day I got off the boat and danced with a hoola girl.
Lots of love.
The next letter she received read.
Dear Mummy,
Have been at sea for months. Yesterday I visited the ships doctor and he reckons that it would have done me more good if I had shot the hoola girl and danced with the polar bear.