01-17-2003, 02:17 AM
far plane is to do with draw distance i think, it alters the colours the walls drop out when the no fog bit is used this makes people stand out even more from a distanse as you glow slightly against the black back ground.
how do i know this cause i got the honasty config and turned everthing on to see what it did. and frankly it all a bit lame, thwere just no skill involved in killing people with this on you just sit back nioce and safe and watch the score go up for the 10 mins i had it on i was almost bored.
personally i play the game for fun and theres just no fun in using that stuff, as for the honasty config it's not all it's craked up to be there are server posts on this forum about people who have already bipassed it best thing id to get the dogmeat tags on your server which disable thse comands then you know no one is using them.
Oh dday fog should be 0 no idea what it does but when i set it to 1 i did not see any differance.
sorry for any mistakes Spelling or gramatical but i just got in from work and i need sleep