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Sgt York is Offline
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Default 01-17-2003, 08:19 AM


I appreciate English is not your first language, but your sentiment is exactly right.

Cheating destroys the community, not just the game. I have played in numerous games, where I've thought, Jeez, this guy is a natural born killer. He plays, he gets killed, but I can see by the way he's playing, effective use of cover, advancing under fire or "Pepperpotting" as we call it for real, that he's very very good. Unfortunately, I see a lot of people, who charge around like Captain Scarlet, who never get killed, or who use a sniper rifle in an assault role, and still get huge scores, in the 50:1 ratio. Had one last night, where I emptied the STG I'd picked up, and the guy zig-zagged, lean strafing and took me out with one shot. Even other people around me commented the guy was cheating, and a lot of them , are very good players.

We get upset, because it is competition, and we want to know we are better than the other guy, just like real life, But we want a level playing field. It gets on my titz, to see a guy I know cheats, getting on the forum and saying "Yeah, i'm just great, I got a kill ratio like you wouldn't believe" Yes I know you have you fcuking cheating spawn camping wallhacking lowlife.

Maybe we should have a "Report Cheaters" section with a report template?

That way, other Server Bosses, can be on the lookout for certain players that they know cheat, and ban the IP.

Just a thought

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